Understanding Amazon Web Services

What is Amazon Web Services For?

The whole story of what AWS does is difficult to summarise, as it’s almost as prevalent as the internet itself. AWS is a comprehensive cloud-based tool that offers over two hundred application services ranging from storage to hosting, from cloud computing to machine learning, and from running internal business applications on virtual servers to consumer-facing application services like Spotify.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a broadly adopted cloud platform that operates in over 190 countries, and used by more than 2000 government organisations. Through the power of cloud computing, AWS offers solutions to an enormous variety of problems, from small businesses to entire countries, all across the world. AWS has a server capacity of more than six times the next twelve competitors combined.

This all sounds quite impressive and maybe a little intimidating, but what does all of this mean for your business?

What can AWS do for my business?

Be it database storage, payroll and accounts, computing, internal application services, or any number of computing-based needs, AWS can provide a number of benefits.

A secure environment

The AWS environment provides enterprise-grade security controls for your sensitive data without the usual hardware costs you are forced to consider when you host your own data or applications. AWS Identity and Access Management is a pre-built system that tracks and manages access to limit access to sensitive data. They provide automated security auditing with Amazon Inspector and Amazon Macie. With the most up-to-date security apps in cloud computing, the AWS partner network is the most secure place for your data.

It’s an old adage that in data security, you pay for what you need to prevent, and with AWS cloud services, you can get exactly the security you need and avoid paying for services you won’t use.

Cloud services that scale with your business

One of the primary problems many businesses face is finding data solutions that not only fit now, but won’t be outgrown as their business grows. AWS enables users to unlimited amounts of data that, which you are only billed for what you use on an hourly basis..

What does this mean for you?

Well, say you purchase or rent a new set of servers to provide access to the number of customers you expect to see for the next year, but you find many more people than expected using your service. You’re stuck in the difficult position of purchasing more expensive servers that can take time to deliver, or overpay upfront for capacity that you don’t necessarily need.

AWS enables your business to access servers as you need them, removing the large buy-in and need for accurate prediction. Your cloud-based software can grow with your business and scale indefinitely.

Unlock global access with cloud computing

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A large challenge businesses are seeing today is being where their customers are. A medium or a large firm in Adelaide or Sydney could very easily service customers in the United States or Europe. Though, without an expensive global network, businesses can struggle to meet their needs.

AWS manages data centres in over 190 countries, providing local cloud computing with high volume and fast speeds located as close to your clients as possible. If you need to provide large files or efficient communications between countries, your business’s entire ecosystem can be hosted in a single environment. This is a huge advantage for any business that has its eyes on clients or consumers overseas, allowing them the scalability and connectivity they need to reach them.

My businesses software on the AWS cloud

What do you need from your data, applications, and IT systems for your business to scale, grow, and remain secure? Enterprise-grade security systems, central management, promptsupport, access to resources for scalability, and affordability.

For any cloud software requirements for your business, one of the more than two hundred applications offered through AWS services offers secure organisational tools to manage your data without paying for resources that you aren’t using. With the worldwide access available, and intimate support services, you can save on payroll, online application development, data management, file storage – including backups of sensitive data, and provide stable customer portals anywhere in the world.

The greatest benefit to hosting your business on the AWS platform is the simplicity it offers. Every application required from databases to website hosting together in a single place with the ability to grow or shrink as needed.

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Migrating to AWS with Digitize

When you partner with Digitize, we help you plan, migrate, manage, and provide support for your cloud-based systems for any AWS resource. We identify AWS solutions that will help your business grow and scale. With careful planning, we then migrate your current systems onto the AWS services with minimal downtime or service interruption.

Our staff are constantly updating their skills to provide the most up-to-date and immediate support, so your business can run efficiently.


At Digitize we are a focused team that invest constantly in improving so that we can provide the best capabilities to our clients. Our processes and teams are built around being flexible so we can deliver tailored solutions instead of trying to make existing solutions fit.

Each client has a dedicated account manager that will ensure you are always getting the best service possible.

